so consciousness then is the essence of life life in order to survive has to be self-serving so there’s no point in feeling guilty about you go because it had to be self-centered in order for you to get here however then it evolves past that and the spiritual energy begins to flow at 200. the transformation begins at 200. let’s just do that for fun uh kundalini energy we have permission in front of this audience oh lord it begins to flow at 200. it does not flow below 200. and the etheric brain does not exist below 200. the etheric brain starts at 200 and it’s a consequence of the flow of the kundalini energy yeah so people below 200 don’t have an etheric brain what’s the point of faulting them for being non-integris by what way would they be they got no means of knowing a truth from falsehood so now here is your ego as you can see he’s evolved from the animal kingdom the way to be with your ego is to realize that without your ego you wouldn’t mean be here so thank you the other way to disarm is to not get polarized against the ego to just know that the ego and every time somebody jumps ahead of us in traffic we hate him don’t we he should die shouldn’t he of course he should die because he’s bad people who get in front of us in traffic and drive slow are bad people and we hate them instead of denying your ego which led to world war ii you see what happened with denial cost the lives of 10 million people 10 million people died due to a lie so the best way to de-energize the ego is to tell the truth about him you’re greedy yes you want more yes you want to be right yes because he wants to be right you want to win right right right he wants to win he wants to win he always wants to win so he hasn’t learned yet it’s better to succeed it’s better to succeed than to win in the end what counts as succeeding winning doesn’t mean anything every winner sooner or later is a loser every winner is polarized eventually a loser because he’s playing the win lose game we know from quantum mechanics you play win lose often enough sooner or later later the 26th decimal point is going to come up and kick you in the butt so you listen to me now will you yes it’s better to succeed than to win okay boss so the way we dissolve the legal ego is through love through compassion not because we read it in a book not because krsna’s said it not because jesus said it but because we see it for what it is what else could the lord bear in us do except do all the candidate thinks it’s supposed to do for survival he thinks he’s supposed to win supposed to win supposed to win okay go on uh that’s number one uh what was the next slide after the last one after animals well we’ll skip that one anyway huh oh no we’ll skip that one all right we’ll just blank it out so we said it’s a way to be in the world the way you are to the world i want you to focus on that see i want you to focus on content all the time look at the context look at the context you can waste all the lifetimes you wasted fooling around content once you get your context and not content that recontextualizes that content and the content is no longer a problem to you i tried to recontextualize the ego to you as nothing but a teddy bear within you who’s doing his duty to try and win because he thinks that’s what he’s supposed to do he thought that for hundreds of millions of years good ego you go ahead win for me all right